Radiators...aka pj warmers. I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to put on warm pjs before you get into bed at night and the temps are looking like this!

This song, Country Road remixed by Pretty Lights...I'm not sure why I love it so much, but it has a great beat. I know, the combo of John Denver and dubstep sounds sketchy, but I promise it's good! It reminds me a little of some Mutemath stuff I really like, so maybe that's part of it. A friend and I were talking about what a perfect song it would be to ski to, just imagine ripping down the slopes with a giant powder cloud behind you as you make your perfectly executed turns...yeah, that probably needs to become a reality soon!
Which brings me to my next favorite, night skiing! There just isn't much better than ending your day on the snow, racing down the mountain with the wind in your face. And stopping at the top to get a great view of the city lights is pretty incredible too!
Whoever came up with a flipping iPhone Case (thank you Speck) was genius. The ability to dock your phone without taking the case off, yet still having a durable case for irresponsible phone owners who drop their phones multiple times a week (yeah, that would be me), is seriously the best tech accessory I've purchased in awhile.
And since we're talking about technology, the Kindle app on my iPad is another thing I've been loving! Free ebooks? Yes please! The last book I finished was a short (free) one by John MacArthur called Found: God's Will. This was an easy, and super quick read (maybe 30 minutes, tops). I think it would be really good to go through and discuss with high school age kids, and maybe young college students too. Here's a quote I feel best sums up the book, "You see, the will of God is not primarily a place. The will of God is not, first of all, for you to go there or work here. The will of God concerns you as a person. If you are the right you you can follow your desires and you will fulfill His will."
Along with reading, during this cold weather I've been spending more time watching Netflix. I recently finished The Art of Flight (both the movie and the series, check out the trailer here). It's a cool look at some intense snowboarding, and there is some great Jackson powder footage too! However, their worldview comes out loud and clear in the the film and the series, and it reminds me of what a unique mission field I'm living in the midst of right now. In the film they talk about how snowboarding is their "church" and in another part they start to go down a line but end up calling it quits. In an interview at the end of the film one of the boarders (and these are some of the best boarders in the world) says that at the end of the day it's unsatisfying, but that's what keeps you wanting more. I pray that I will have more opportunities to build relationships with those in my community so that I can love them, serve them, and show them that ultimate fulfillment can only be found in Christ and although boarding and skiing are lots of fun, it will never satisfy.
And on a lighter note, I'll leave you with pictures of a store and sticker that both made me laugh this month!
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